Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Term 3, Week 8

Kia ora Readers, 

Check out what Room 13 have been up to this week. 

Mr Jones started a Rube Goldberg Competition with Fale points and prizes up for grabs. There were quite a few entries. Some stand out ones came from George, Lucija, Amelia and Gevan. Antonio made an amazing one at home and it was even featured on the school Facebook page. Ka pai, Antonio!

These are George and Lucija's entries. 

This week is Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori. The whole school are taking part in daily challenges. Some are designed for students and others for Teachers. Isla has recorded her pepeha and done the karakia.

Tomorrow is our Disconnect Friday. Room 13 will get to choose from a number of activities on their day off from Google Meet. Check out what they might be getting up to:


  1. Ka pai Room 13. Great to see all of your lockdown activities. Thank you for sharing

  2. Thanks Room 13 for sharing your competition entries, they were really good.. I’m hoping there were a lot of entries from Kowhai! How many tokens fir the winner?

    Keep up the good learning Room13!

  3. Kia ora Room 13,

    Thank you for sharing what you have been up to. The Rube Goldberg looked amazing. What was your favourite activity?


Term 4, Week 6.

 Kia ora koutou,  This week we welcome back Maimuna and Ibrahim to school. It's so nice that more students are coming back to school. It...