Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Back to school!

Kia ora Readers, 

It's week 5 now, our year is nearly done. Thankfully we're allowed back in the classroom after a total of three months in Lockdown. School looks a bit different with our current restrictions- we're only allowed to have a maximum of 20 students in each class. At the moments we have 11 students in our class bubble. 

Mr Jones is running Google Meets for the students that are still at home. As we adjust back to school life and get used to being together again we plan on taking things slow and just having (socially distanced) fun together. This means Kahoots, Minecraft and outside games. 

Here's hoping we're allowed to more soon!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, school is back! Although I am not there I can tell people are excited, and going back to class for students seemed quite unusual after being in lock down for two months. The kahoots and online games that my class do as well are great fun. Best of luck that we go to level 2.


Term 4, Week 6.

 Kia ora koutou,  This week we welcome back Maimuna and Ibrahim to school. It's so nice that more students are coming back to school. It...