Monday, November 22, 2021

Term 4, Week 6.

 Kia ora koutou, 

This week we welcome back Maimuna and Ibrahim to school. It's so nice that more students are coming back to school. It's a shame that we can only have 20 students in our class bubble though. 
Our focus this week is on Te Whare Tapa Wha. We are using Minecraft to design and build Whare and filling them with things that help us each each of the 4 aspects of our wellbeing. 

For Maths we have returned to Algebra, looking specifically algebraic patterns and BEDMAS using solvemoji's. Students have to solve some problems and then create their own. 

Room 13 have been spending sometime outside in the sunny weather doing relays and games. We've had to get very creative while we can't use any sports equipment or get too close to each other. There have been lots of challenges like planking. The Rata students were able to earn a lot of points through their endurance during these challenges. Totara is still leading the points but they have some tough competition ahead.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Back to school!

Kia ora Readers, 

It's week 5 now, our year is nearly done. Thankfully we're allowed back in the classroom after a total of three months in Lockdown. School looks a bit different with our current restrictions- we're only allowed to have a maximum of 20 students in each class. At the moments we have 11 students in our class bubble. 

Mr Jones is running Google Meets for the students that are still at home. As we adjust back to school life and get used to being together again we plan on taking things slow and just having (socially distanced) fun together. This means Kahoots, Minecraft and outside games. 

Here's hoping we're allowed to more soon!

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Week 3

 Kia ora Readers

This week seems to have gone really fast. Must be an end of year thing. What do you think? 

Room 13 have been spending some time catching up on their work and making sure that they've completed the tasks set this term. 

In our Meetings, we've started to use Jamboards to collaborate and share ideas with each other for Math and Reading. The students seem to really engage with these so we will definitely keep using them from now on. 

We're still looking at patterns in Geometry. The students had to create their own one that included some form of symmetry, reflection, or rotation. Check out Lucija's pattern that she made. 

Our focus for writing this week was to look back at what makes up a Quality blog post or comment from our CyberSmart lessons. Mr Jones is hoping that by the end of Friday this week everyone in the class has commented or posted at least once.  

Term 4, Week 6.

 Kia ora koutou,  This week we welcome back Maimuna and Ibrahim to school. It's so nice that more students are coming back to school. It...